Interdisciplinary Conference „Chances and Riscs (in) Modern Medicine", October 18-19, 2011, Berlin, Germany:
- Holger Muehlan, Vom medizinischen Telemonitoring zum alltäglichen Gesundheitsmonitoring. Praktischer Nutzen eines konzeptuellen Rahmenmodells von Chancen und Risiken von Anwendungen des „Personal Health Monitoring“ aus psycho-sozialer Perspektive. (From medical tele-monitoring to health-monitoring in everyday life: Practical benefit of a conceptual framwork on chances and riscs of personal health-monitoring technologies from a psycho-scoial perspective). Poster presentation.
- Dieter Rhode, Akzeptanz von Gesundheitsmonitoring-Technologien aus Sicht des Nutzers (Acceptance of health-monitoring technologies from the user's perspective). Poster presentation.
Workshop "Distributed Healthcare - Making Technology Work for Patient Benefit", October 13, 2011, Linköping, Sweden:
- Göran Collste, Personalized Health Monitoring – Ethics. Paper presentation.
Final conference of the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics, October 5-7 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania:
- Anders Nordgren, The web-advertisement of companies offering personal health monitoring. Paper presentation.
- Elin Palm, Informal care in the light of Personal Health Monitoring Technology. Paper presentation.
Bi-Annual Conference of Health Psychology, „Health and Social Change“, August 31 - September 2, 2011, Berlin, Germany:
- Holger Muehlan & Silke Schmidt, Psycho-soziale Aspekte des ambulanten und ambienten Gesundheitsmonitorings in modernen Anwendungskontexten. (Psycho-social issues of ambulatory and ambient health monitoring in emerging areas of application). Poster presentation.
Annual Conference of Societas Ethica (The European Society for Research in Ethics), “The Future of Medicine”, August 25-28, 2011, Lugano, Switzerland:
- Anders Nordgren, A technology for the future? An ethical analysis of the web-advertisement of companies offering personal health monitoring. Paper presentation.
- Göran Collste, The Ethics of Personal Health Monitoring. Paper presentation.
- Elin Palm, To be handled with care – personal health Monitoring Technology. Paper presentation.