“Interdisciplinary research to analyse the relationship between ethics, law and psychosocial as well as medical sciences”


Nordgren, A. (2013). Privacy by design in personal health monitoring. Health Care Analysis, DOI 10.1007/s10728-013-0262-3 [Epub ahead of print]

Nordgren, A. (2013). Personal health monitoring: ethical considerations for stakeholders. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, 11, 156-173.

Nordgren, A. (2012). Remote monitoring or close encounters? Ethical considerations in priority setting regarding telecare. Health Care Analysis. DOI 10.1007/s10728-012-0218-z [Epub ahead of print]

Collste, G. (2011). Under my Skin: The Ethics of Ambient Computing for Personal Health Monitoring, InSharlene Nagy and Hesse-Biber (Eds.), The Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research (pp 89-111). Oxford: University Press.

Kalis, A. & Nijsingh, N. (2011). Leefstijlinterventies. (Life style interventions). To be published in Mariette van den Hoven, Carla Kessler (red.) Preventie en Ethiek (Prevention and Ethics). Amsterdam: Boom.

Nordgren, A. (2011). The web-rhetoric of companies offering home-based personal health monitoring. Helath Care Analysis. DOI 10.1007/s10728-011-0174-z

Verweij, M. (2011). Volksgezondheid en preventie: een ethische beschouwing (Public health and prevention, and ethical discussion). To be published in Mariette van den Hoven, Carla Kessler (red.) Preventie en Ethiek (Prevention and Ethics). Amsterdam: Boom.

Rhode, D. (2011). Personal(ized) Health Monitoring, Personalization, and Personality. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 83-100.

Nußbeck, G., (2010). Reduktion des Implementationsrisikos von Telemonitoring durch eine Taxonomie-gestützte Risikoanalyse. In: B. Böckmann, et al. (Hrsg.), 1. Nationaler Fachkongress Telemedizin (S. 14-20). Berlin: TMF - Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V.

Nußbeck, G., Gök, M. & Rienhoff, O. (2010). Systematik Assistiver Systeme in Versorgung und Forschung. EHEALTHCOM, 4, 52-53.

Palm, E. (2010) När vården flyttar hem till dig – den mobila vårdens etikk. Etikk i praksis 2/2010, 71-92.

Rhode, D., Muehlan, H. & Schmidt., S. (in Druck). Personalisiertes Gesundheitsmonitoring: Psycho¬soziale Aspekte und interindividuelle Unterschiede. In F. Duesberg (Hrsg.),  E-Health 2012. Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen. Medical Future Verlag.

Rogerson, S. & Haines, J. (2010). Healthy ICT. IMIS Journal, 20.

Schmidt, S., Mühlan, H. & Rhode, D. (subm.). Personalized health monitoring (PHM) –  Interdisciplinary research to analyse the relationship between ethics, law and psychosocial as well as medical sciences. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Published Abstracts

Krieg, T., Muehlan, H., Schmidt, S. & The European PHM Ethics Group (2009). PHM-ethics: Personal-health-monitoring in ethics, law, psychology and medicine. In T. Kubiak & H. Weber (Eds.), Ambulatory Assessment: Bridging the gap (p.90). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

Muehlan, H. & Schmidt, S. (2011). Psycho-soziale Aspekte des ambulanten und ambienten Gesundheitsmonitorings in modernen Anwendungskontexten. In: Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZGA) (Hrsg.), 10. Kongress für Gesundheitspsychologie „Gesundheit im sozialen Wandel“, 31.08.2011.-02.09.2011, Berlin. Informationsdienst Altersfragen (S. 116), Sonderheft.